Friday, February 25, 2011

One Of Life's Little Annoyances....

Chain know them -we used to spend time on them when we were know...back when you had to hand-write 5 of them so you could get $5.00 sent back to you after you reached the top of the list. They were fun because you would run to the mail box each day looking for a piece of mail with your name on it...
never mind that it never came - you had something to look forward to each day for weeks on end!

There is now a new form of Chain Letter..the Electronic chain letter - you know.. the one that warns you of immanent bad luck if you do not send it out immediately to everyone  in your address book.

These letters come from supposed friends.  Why would a friend send something that is going to give another friend bad luck?  I have decided that I will stop any emails that will possibly give another person bad luck- or for that matter any luck or anything else from here on out.  

I think I will go one step further - I will send out a polite email telling the sender that I will remove them from my email list the next time I get any type of  "You must forward this..." email from them... you may think "a bit harsh"? ... well I don't need any more of  bad luck...


Anonymous said...

you have the right idea! These i-mails make me CRAZY. And why would a friend send you something that has the potential to give you bad luck? A friend wouldn't!

Unknown said...

John considers these a type of computer virus. Sometimes the text is interesting and worth a read. If I decide to forward it I just copy the part of the text that is interesting and copy into a new email and forward it like that. Sometimes the stories are cool to share but I really don't like the forward or have bad luck thing. Most of them I read and delete. I think we make our own luck and forwarding an email has nothing to do with it. :)

I.M. Vayne said...

Mama - I know what ya mean bout them chain males. But Nilda has never had to chain me to keep me, as her cookin's so good I couldn't do no better anywheres else.

I'm a thinkin' yer that samon lady that were once on that irvtwo websight. As I recollect you was a samon cookin' right good so you probably got yer he male a keepin' real close to home also.

I.M. enjoyin' yer blog, keep a writin'.