Thursday, July 5, 2007

Almost Home!! bad is it that I can't sleep - so I am gonna let everyone else know! I have tried to go to sleep but I know that I will be home in my own chair, already gotten my kisses from all and in my own bed in less than 24 hours!
I will have noticed that Ron waxed my car to a brilliant shine, and seen the back of my Diplomat as we come up the driveway...I will have felt the dry heat of the Sacramento Valley...and know that I am ready to start a new facet of my career on Monday.
Wish me luck, think positive thoughts and if you are in California, Oregon or part of Washington ... please contact me for ANY automotive needs!

1 comment:

bsavage said...

Becky, thank you for your kind and insightful thoughts on life and death. Your chats have helped me get through this sad time. I know that my brother touched so many lives in so many amazing and wonderful ways, and none of us would be the same had we not gotten to experience his presence in our own lives.

So glad you're home now, and I know you will be fantastic in your new position. Exciting times for you, my friend!
