Things in my ordinary (if you can consider me ordinary!) everyday life changed so suddenly for me just over a week ago. I no longer work for a GM dealership. I am in Southern California going through an intensive two week training for AutoLand. AutoLand is the largest Auto Buying service and has been doing this for over 35 years. I will be able to take care of everyones' automotive needs...whether you are looking for a new or used vehicle...without you having to go through all the hassles you would normally do when looking for and buying a vehicle. More about this later on though.
I truly miss being home with my husband and my two pups. I know they are doing just fine without me...but I am miserable! I find I dread doing the stuff I don't do when I am home having to get cleaned up and put regular clothes on as soon as I get up...putting makeup on...putting shoes know... the stuff we won't do if we are home alone!
I feel like I have to be "on" all the time...there is no "down" time when you are not home. The "fridge" does not have room for all the stuff I might like to have in it ...Skinny Cow ice cream treats, yogurt, string cheese,salad fixings, strawberries, 1% milk, Coke Zero,water and oh yes-Negro Modelo!
I miss my "dog kisses" and howls I get everyday when I walk into the house, even if I am gone for just an hour. I miss my husband's kisses and affectionate pats even more! I miss my comfortable chair in front of my computer...and the warm comfortable bed that has my soft feather pillow and of course, my personal "foot warming-snuggle partner".
I am now counting down the days before I get home!
1 comment:
And here I was feeling sorry for you cause you had to go to school. Fancy lodging, per-diem no doubt and all the chef-prepared you wish to consume. Make the most of it and get back to Sacs soon as you can.
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