Thursday, March 31, 2011

Amazing Grace

I have named used this title for my blog because I am still amazed at how many smiles she gives me each hour we spend together! 
 I have  a short slide show of our time last week - (Please notice the lettering just above the first picture!)

Monday, March 21, 2011

New Blog Postponed

I am having issues with my keyboard and mouse - so it is too much work to attempt my post ...stay tuned...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Things I Have Learned This Last Week...

I recently started another new project -scanning all my old photograph negatives.  This picture represents what I have left to do. (I have already scanned in over 2,500 negatives.)

 Here are a  few things I have realized this past week...

I actually did document my first bald eagle sighting in September of 1994.

You need to keep your negatives clean - otherwise you will get white specks showing.

Puppies are cute-even when they catch moths...

Trains will always draw a crowd....

 You would never actually believe just how blue Paul Newman's eyes were- unless you met him in person.

The above photos were taken with a 35MM film camera.  I have always enjoyed photography and I have decent equipment for being just a "run of the mill" home photographer.  I have been using a DSLR camera for about 8 years now but Canon makes their cameras last way too long - how can I justify a new camera when my old one still works as well as it does!  GRRRRRRRRR

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Those "Darling Cobras"

We have seen a few different things in our travels -but this is one of the more unique...

This is the Darlingtonia californica - also known as the Cobra lily.  It is a carnivorous plant that is considered rare so you really should stop by the Darlingtonia Wayside Park if you are ever near Florence, Oregon.
  (It is also just across the street from the Elks Campground  on Mercer Lake Road.)

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Sock o' Seeds

The other day I happened to find one of the "Socks" on sale in the grocery store. I am all about "sale items" so I decided to buy it since the seed date was good until December and once I saw that I could re-use the sock if the birds used it.

Well - the birds like it... as you can see from the slideshow below!

This slideshow is over a three day period - one of the days photos you can see the rain drops. All photos have been taken through windows at the house.