The word "Lost" can mean many things to many people...
You may have "A Moment Lost" as in missing that perfect moment of a sunset ...
You may have a lost friend - someone that you may have lost contact with over the years. (Try to locate them on "FaceBook" - You might be surprised who you might find there!)
There may be a "Lost Opportunity" -like that perfect job opening that you ignore for a few days too long - only to find that they "found someone" while you procrastinated.
. ..or what about a lost dog .. and the feeling you have in the pit of your stomach until that furry four-legged friend runs into your arms to give you many "dog-breath" kisses.
...and of course - there is the "Lost Love of Your Life" . You may never be sure when you meet "The One" - you may even ignore it when it is there...and sometimes you won't even know it is there until years later. Don't miss your "Lost Love" - Open your eyes - open your heart - take a chance...otherwise there is a good chance that you will be one of those who will realize it "years later"...and then it will be too late....