Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oregonian by law?

...It looks like I officially became an Oregonian today! I have finally gone in and got my Oregon Drivers License today..AND registered to vote. (Don't you just love the 'One Stop Shopping' concept that the government has come up with?)
...The truth be known...I was a little sad to hand over my California Drivers License - and watch holes be punched in it. NOOOO...the picture really wasn't especially good - but it seemed a bit sad to abandon that "crazy liberal state" that I was born, raised and lived in for over 50 years.
...and speaking of pictures...I evidently smile too much - the DMV had to take my photo three times. The first 2 did not show my pupils. I had to try and not smile so they could get some of my pupils in the photo. (yeah - I know... I must be too happy all the time!) I also did notice that my hair is a lot longer then it has been in some time. I was planning to get it trimmed - but I may wait to see how the color photo turns out before I get it cut.
...Let us not forget that life is ever-changing...and I do LOVE the freshness that you find in many parts of Oregon!
I guess now the last thing I have to decide...Do I cheer for the "Ducks" or do I back the "Beavers"? (Maybe there is a beast out there with a Duck face and a Beaver tail!!)