So many things to talk about that mean very little to most of you..but that may mean a lot to instead...I will just touch on a few minor things!
I still love where I work...although they do have a few changes to make in order for the dealership to work at it's optimum. The GM is young but knowledgeable...and I trust he will find the best way to handle the changes that need to be made.
I still love the RV Park where I am staying! The staff is friendly...the 'monthly residents' are friendly and although we keep to ourselves..we all look out for each other...even though there seems to be no reason to!
I still miss the group of people I worked with out in Woodland, Ca. (sorry guys...but I am not going to give you free advertisement!) Paul, Eddie, Robbie, Russ, Art, Steve, Stephen...I can go on and on with the sales staff...not to mention, Monica, Christina, Lupe, Sal, Patrick, Nick, Bobby, Mike, Bill and some others in the office, parts and service departments...
I can tell you that I am still in dogs...and of man (ok..I don't own him..but I like to think he could be mine!)...but as you can tell..this has a theme of some of the things I love...but this obviously I have not listed maybe you could be part of something I love...What do you think??
Becky, what about me??? I miss you!!!
Kimmy...I miss you also.. but since you were smart enough to leave there..I felt the need to work on the PREVIOUS employees in a separate blog to be done next month!
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