Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Crestfield Manor Boulder Package Accent Plants (LUSH & FLOWERING)

We are planning to move to a new community where the subdivision is going to plant the shrubbery in the front yard.

They have a two upgraded levels - The first level is called "Boulder Package".  The second level upgrade is a "Turf Package" package.

I am concentrating on the Boulder Upgrade at this time.  (Who wants to try to keep grass green in this area?)

Within the "Boulder Landscape" are two packages. You have the "Flowering" and the "Lush" packages.

I am going to attempt to show the choices that are available in each package in the next few posts.

Both of the packages share the Accent plant choices so I will take care of the accent packages for both groups now...

You will get 5 of the following plants in five gallon containers. The plants will be of their choice and variety. 




The size of these plants vary and they just say "Agave Variety"

Aloe Variety

Again...their choice of a total of five 5 gallon plants between the Agave, Aloe and Yucca plants...

Yucca Variety

You will have a total of 5 of these plants in your front yard in a set location from their plans based on your Crestfield Manor floor plan.

Yucca photo from "
Aloe photo from Inga Spence  
Agave photo from

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