Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Definition of "Ogre"

I had a conversation tonight where the thought of an "ogre" came up. I decided to look up the word and found this definition of "Ogre" on Wikipedia.
Painting: "Norandino and Lucina Discovered by the Ogre by Giovanni Lanfranco

An ogre (feminine: ogress) is a large, cruel, monstrous and hideous humanoid monster, featured in mythology, folklore and fiction. Ogres are often depicted in fairy tales and folklore as feeding on human beings, and have appeared in many classic works of literature. In art, ogres are often depicted with a large head, abundant hair and beard, a voracious appetite, and a strong body. The term is often applied in a metaphorical sense to disgusting persons who exploit, brutalize or devour their victims.

I can tell you firsthand that not all ogres possess "abundant hair" and Ogres do come in many forms. I think people have known at least one ogre in their lifetime. My Ogre is someone that I have worked with in the past. He went to jail for a weekend once for beating his now ex-wife. She has since divorced him...but this is not his only fault. The Ogre knows how to lie and manipulate people also.
Beware of my Ogre and any others that you may meet.

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