Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Syrupy Sweet

This post is of a different type. I am not sure that many people realize just how hooked on sugar - especially refined sugar - that we all have become.

I am sure very few of us realize how much sugar we consume. Do you have any idea how much sugar we should have each day? The answer is preferably zero for refined sugar - but they recommend no more than 40 grams per day - and this includes all the natural fructose/sucrose or any other type of sweetener you would think of.

I would bet that only a handful of you know that 7 grams of sugar is the equivalent of one and one half teaspoons of sugar ! Who knows how many teaspoons equal 1 cup? (48)
Are some of you good with your math? Any idea how many grams are in a bottle of "Ensure" and that the amount is very close to a non-diet soda?

My point in all of this is to make many of us aware of the sugar that is being consumed -even by our parents.
I hope many people try to cut down on the amount of sugar that is being consumed. It is in everything we eat or drink and I have no doubts it does effect us later in life - I have seen it first hand....

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